Area of Interest Analysis

Interests Analysis are primarily designed to organize people’s interests and increase self-knowledge. An Area of Interest Analysis can be helpful if an individual is unsure of what he or she want to do in the future, but from this analysis comes ideas for areas of work that the individual is likely to feel comfortable with.

If you are not sure what you want to do or want to confirm that you are in the right place today, an Area of Interest Analysis might be for you.

– (costs 7000 ISK) is a national interest survey for individuals considering university studies. The survey is electronic and graphical information is obtained at the end.


Further information on Real Skills Assessments are provided by MSS Study and Career Counselors:

Steinunn Björk Jónatansdóttir í síma 412 5940 /
Inga Sif Ingimundardóttir í síma 412-5958 /