It´s never to late to start again

Book a counseling session Courses

Íslenska 1 (A1.1)

Course starts: April 30.
Price: 55.700 ISK

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Íslenska 2 (A1.2)

Course starts: April 30.
Price: 55.700 ISK

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Olíumálun hjá Eybjörgu - Framhald

Course starts: April 30.
Price: 30.000 ISK

Framhaldsnámskeið í olíumálun hjá Eybjörgu. Loksins er komið framhaldsnámskeið af sívinsæla olíumálunarnámskeiði Eybjargar.Er kominn tími á nýtt málverk í stofuna, á ganginn eða bara fyrir ofan rúmið? Á námskeiðinu verður náttúran og umhverfið uppspr...

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English for Beginners

Course starts: May 2.
Price: 45.000 ISK

The course is intended for beginners in English. Participants are trained in using basic vocabulary in a variety of ways and simple grammar basics are introduced.They learn simple vocabulary that is useful in everyday life and with emphasis on writte...

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Enska fyrir byrjendur

Course starts: May 2.
Price: 45.000 ISK

Námskeiðið er ætlað byrjendum í ensku. Grunnorðaforði var þjálfaður á fjölbreyttan hátt og farið var í einföld undirstöðuatriði í málfræði. Áhersla var á einfaldan orðaforða sem nýtist í daglegu lífi og unnið með orðaforða í gegnum rit- og talmál. Öl...

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Ferðaþjónusta I

Course starts: May 2.
Price: 20.000 ISK

Ferðaþjónusta I er námsleið sem er ætluð starfsmönnum í ferðaþjónustu eða þeim sem stefna að starfi í greininni.  Námið leggu...

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Skills in Tourism I

Course starts: May 2.
Price: 20.000 ISK

Skills in Tourism I is intended for employees in the tourism industry or those who aim to work in the industry. The program e...

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Íslenska 3 (A2.1)

Course starts: May 13.
Price: 55.700 ISK

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Menntastoðir - Fjarnám

Course starts: August 9.
Price: 200.000 ISK

Menntastoðir eru undirbúningsnám fyrir frumgreinadeildir Keilis, Bifrastar og H.R. Auk þess má meta námið sem hluta af bókleg...

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Menntastoðir - Staðnám

Course starts: August 12.
Price: 200.000 ISK

Menntastoðir eru undirbúningsnám fyrir frumgreinadeildir Keilis, Bifrastar og H.R. Auk þess má meta námið sem hluta af bókleg...

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Leikskólasmiðja og íslenskunám

Course starts: September 2.
Price: 97.700 ISK

Langar þig að vinna með börnum á leikskóla en hefur ekki næga leikni í íslensku? Þetta er fyrri hluti námsleiðarinnar - seinn...

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Kindergarten employee preparation study

Course starts: September 2.
Price: 97.700 ISK

Do you want to work with children in kindergarten but don't have enough skills in Icelandic - part 1 of 2 The second part sta...

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Course starts: September 9.
Price: 17.000 ISK

Fyrir hverja Námið er ætlað þeim sem vilja vinna við eða hafa hug á að starfa við velferðaþjónustu og vilja öðlast aukna þekk...

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Skrifstofuskóli I

Course starts: September 9.
Price: 69.000 ISK

Skrifstofuskólinn er námsleið fyrir þá sem sinna almennum skrifstofustörfum eða stefna á að starfa við skrifstofustörf. Tilga...

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Grunnmennt - Almennur bóklegur undirbúningur

Course starts: September 9.
Price: 87.000 ISK

Grunnmennt er ætlað fólki, 18 ára og eldri, sem vill styrkja sig í kjarnagreinunum (íslensku, stærðfræði, ensku og dönsku) og...

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Skrifstofuskóli II

Course starts: September 10.
Price: 69.000 ISK

Skrifstofuskóli II er sérhæft nám fyrir fólk sem hefur áhuga á að ná sér í góðan undirbúning fyrir skrifstofustörf eða hugar ...

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Course starts: September 16.
Price: 48.000 ISK

Markmið með náminu er að einstaklingar sem sinna samfélagstúlkun öðlist þá hæfni sem þarf til að sinna skilgreindum viðfangse...

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Fagnám í umönnun fatlaðra

Course starts: September 16.
Price: 65.000 ISK

Markmið námsins er að auka færni og þekkingu námsmanna á aðstæðum og þörfum fatlaðs fólks til að efla lífsgæði þeirra og virk...

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Course starts: October 7.
Price: 74.800 ISK

Miðstöð símenntunar á Suðurnesjum auglýsir dyravarðarnámskeið í samstarfi við lögregluna á Suðurnesjum. Námskeiðið hentar vel starfandi dyravörðum, þeim sem stefna á að starfa sem dyraverðir og starfsfólki veitingahúsa, skemmtistaða, hótela og þeim s...

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Starfsréttindanámskeið dagforeldra

Course starts: October 21.
Price: 121.000 ISK

Miðstöð símenntunar á Suðurnesjum kynnir með stolti starfsréttindanámskeið dagforeldra.Allir þeir sem hafa hug á að starfa sem dagforeldrar þurfa að ljúka við starfsréttindanámskeið dagforeldra. Núna hefur MSS tekið við þessu mikilvæga námskeiðshaldi...

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Fagnám fyrir starfsmenn leikskóla ásamt íslenskunámi

Course starts: November 4.
Price: 116.700 ISK

Fyrir hverja: Námið er ætlað þeim sem lokið hafa Leikskólasmiðju eða eru metnir inn í námið   Markmið: Efla þátttakendur í í...

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Professional course for kindergarten employees plus Icelandic studies

Course starts: November 4.
Price: 116.700 ISK

For whom: The program is intended for those who have completed the “Kindergarten employee preparation study” or are assessed ...

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Individual comments

My confidence towards further education is much better and it has opened my mind towards the learning path that I never believed could be interesting to me. This had a significant influence on my life because before I started my studies, I thought it was too late for me to start again. It has certainly proven me wrong.

I am waiting to be able to start Industrial Engineering at the University of Iceland in the Fall.

Regina Þorðardóttir, student at MSS

First and foremost, what got me into graphic design was that I’ve always had an interest all kinds of computer work and image processing. The arrangement was exemplary, and I got everything I wanted out of the course. The teacher was great and thought I had a lot to say and that got me more interested.

Sigrún Eir Einarsdóttir

I decided to go in to the Real Skills Assessment because I knew a person who went through this assessment. Since the assessment, I have finished studying food technology from Menntaskólinn í Kópavogi. I received a lot of evaluation in the Real Skills Assessment. I would tell anyone who is thinking about this to hurry because it is a great opportunity to gain rights in an easy way.

Skills Assessment in Food Technology at MSS in collaboration with Iðan Education Center Bryndís Rúnarsdóttir, Food Technician – Participant in the Real Skills Assessment.

I began in educational studies because I needed more credits to apply for a degree in Architecture. Educational Studies suited me perfectly, in 10 months I could take all the credits in general studies with full-time work. During my studies, I quickly realized that teachers really wanted us to be successful and my experience with teachers and staff was very good. When I began my studies, 32 years had passed since I sat on a school bench, so it was hard but fun. This course helped me tremendously and gave me confidence.

The course allowed me to be admitted to VIA University College, that is a University in Denmark. There I am in Architecture that takes three and a half years. I am finishing my second semester at the end of June. The program has been very useful to me, for example, Math and bookkeeping.

Björn Sigurjónsson, student at MSS

Learning was something that I considered was not for me. In the educational studies, the horizon widened little by little and the belief that I could not learn, not read, or take literary course, were going away. Learning affects so many things in daily life and gives you the self-confidence to take on life.

Kristjana Þórarinsdóttir

After graduation, I know the opportunities that apps, Photoshop, Indesign, and Illustrator offer, and I am sure that I can take advantage them in the future. Although it was not only making my own invitation cards, Christmas cards, birthday cards, etc. The point of attending this workshop was to see if graphic design was for me. I am very excited to learn more about graphic design after this course and then abroad.

Dagmar Fríða Halldórsdóttir

I am not at Keilir and plan on starting the University of Iceland in 2014. I was not sure what I wanted to do about higher education until I started at MSS. There I had a great English teacher, who encouraged me to take on English. The course was very interesting, and her motivation pushed me to go for a Master’s degree in English.

The course overall enjoyable, good teachers, and flexibility were offered. I have already recommended MSS to more than one I know and will continue to do so.

Henry Sverrisson, student at MSS

To begin with, I was not sure whether it would work being in school with work at sea. But then it just happened, and everything has worked well. All the MSS staff meet my needs so much, that half is enough. I am in relaxed in the exchange system 3-1 and have never had to take a break to do my studies.

Sindri Hreiðarsson, student in Educational Studies.

I got into an accident at sea and it made me incapacitated and wanted to take advantage of my time for a while. First, I went into Stronger Employee, and the discussion came up whether to send me to Real Skills Assessment. I took the Real Skills Assessment anyway and I finished Fish Technology. Then I took an extra course in Quality Control. I strongly encourage everyone to go take the Real Skills Assessment, while it is available. Studying at my age works like a vitamin shot in life.

Real Skills Assessment in Fish Technology at MSS Robert Henry Vogt, Quality Manager – Participant in Real Skills Assessment

The reason why I went into Real Skills Assessment was because I wanted to go into business. I did not finish my diploma at that time, but I did finish business school in Denmark. I started in the Real Skills Assessment at MSS, and now I am studying Business Administration at the University of Iceland. I have severe dyslexia, which has negatively affected me. The Real Skills Assessment has gotten me the confidence and belief that I can learn, and I would advise everyone to enroll in the Real Skills Assessment at the next educational center.

Real Estate Skills Assessment in MSS Kristinn Sigurjónsson, salesman in the Duty Free – Participant in the Real Skills Assessment.

Learning was something that I considered was not for me. In the educational studies, the horizon widened little by little and the belief that I could not learn, not read, or take literary course, were going away. Learning affects so many things in daily life and gives you the self-confidence to take on life.

Kristjana Þórarinsdóttir, student at MSS

Before I went into the evaluation, I thought “Why am I thinking about this at my age (ca. 47 years old.)?” I was surprised on how much I knew, and it sparked interest in completing Fish Technology, and when I first started, I studied Quality Control at Icelandic College of Fisheries in Grindavík. This greatly improved my confidence.

Skills Assessment in Fish Technology at MSS Svanhvít – Participant in Real Skills Assessment

I had not found myself in secondary school where anxiety and stress were affecting me. Since I started MSS, my confidence has increased significantly and my interest in continuing my education as well. After my studies at MSS, I am determined to continue my education and pursue Graphic Design, or something related. I am endlessly grateful to have had the opportunity to get back to school, after taking a break from school, with increased self confidence and joy in my studies.

Sigrún Eir Einarsdóttir

The program gave me increased knowledge in computers and bookkeeping that I can use in the future. I got to know some really fun students and teachers in my studies. Very fun and interesting course that everyone should check out.

Laufey Björk Sigfúsdóttir

The studies were both challenging and fun. They gave me self-confidence and provided good preparation for studies at the University of Iceland. I particularly enjoyed learning setting up good essays, word processing, as well as gaining the conviction that I could learn math. Educational studies are great start for both those who have not been in school for a while or a good start for those who want to go further.

Graduated with B.S. in Tourism Studies and the future is bright.

Dagmar Jóna Elvarsdóttir, student at MSS

The program met the goal in terms of self-building and self-trust and prepared me as a whole. Whether for further study, entrepreneurship, or work. Technology comes in handy wherever we go because we are always learning how to look at it. If I am more positive about life and optimistic, I will be able to succeed in everything I do.

Bjarndís Helena Mitchell, student in Stronger Employee

About MSS

MSS was established on December 10, 1997. There was a significant increase in educational options in Suðurnes, when the agency was founded. As a result, the public’s access to courses became more and more room for further education was created. In the years that MSS has been operating, its activities have been tailored to the needs of customers at any given time.

The min role of MSS is to promote the continuing and re-education of the Suðurnes people, to enhance the education and quality of life of the inhabitants of the area, thus promoting individuals and the business community.

MSS strives to provide counseling and personalized services as well as an environment for learning where individuals feel comfortable.

Nám fyrir öll - Ráðstefna Fjölmenntar

10. apríl 2024

Nám fyrir öll - Ráðstefna Fjölmenntar

Fjölmennt stendur fyrir ráðstefnu um menntun fatlaðs fólks föstudaginn 19. apríl....

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Lokað - Closed

8. febrúar 2024

Lokað - Closed

Tilkynning!!!Í ljósi aðstæðna og þess að heitt vatn er farið af Suðurnesjum þarf að grípa til lokana víða í sveitafélaginu þar til varalögn kemst í ga...

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Jólakveðja frá MSS

22. desember 2023

Jólakveðja frá MSS

Miðstöð símenntunar á Suðurnesjum sendir hlýjar jólakveðjur með ósk um gleðileg jól og gæfuríkt komandi ár....

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Nemandi MSS hlaut viðurkenninguna Fyrirmynd í námi fullorðinna

17. nóvember 2023

Nemandi MSS hlaut viðurkenninguna Fyrirmynd í námi fullorðinna

Beata Justyna Bistula hlaut viðurkenninguna Fyrirmynd í námi fullorðinna. Við hjá MSS erum ótrúlega stolt af fyrrum nemanda okkar sem hlaut fyrr í vik...

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Námskeið fyrir fylgdarlaus ungmenni

10. ágúst 2023

Námskeið fyrir fylgdarlaus ungmenni

Í vor hélt MSS námskeið fyrir ungmenni á flótta, sem komið hafa til landsins án forráðamanna. MSS fékk styrk úr Þróunarsjóði innflytjendamála til að h...

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Borðspil og Lego kubbar tæki til að huga að menntun og starfsframa

31. mars 2023

Borðspil og Lego kubbar tæki til að huga að menntun og starfsframa

Þrír starfsmenn MSS fóru á lokafund Erasmuns verkefnisins Echoo Play sem haldinn var í háskólaborginni Turku í Finnlandi. Fundirnir voru haldnir í hús...

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MSS hlýtur styrk til verkefnis fyrir fylgdarlaus ungmenni

6. mars 2023

MSS hlýtur styrk til verkefnis fyrir fylgdarlaus ungmenni

Í síðustu viku hlaut MSS styrk úr þróunarsjóði innflytjendamála. Styrkurinn er veittur til verkefnis sem snýr að stuðningi við fylgdarlaus ungmenni....

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Kennsla fellur niður - Classes cancelled

30. janúar 2023

Kennsla fellur niður - Classes cancelled

Íslenskukennsla hjá MSS fellur niður í dag og í kvöld, mánudaginn 30. janúar, vegna veðurs....

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Um 800 einstaklingar hafa sótt námskeiðið Fjölmenning auðgar hjá MSS

19. janúar 2023

Um 800 einstaklingar hafa sótt námskeiðið Fjölmenning auðgar hjá MSS

Fjölmenning auðgar er verkefni sem Miðstöð símenntunar á Suðurnesjum (MSS) hefur unnið og þróað í nánu samstarfi við Velferðarnet Suðurnesja. Okkar að...

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Íslenskukennsla á vinnustað

11. janúar 2023

Íslenskukennsla á vinnustað

Nú á dögunum lauk átta vikna íslenskunámskeiði fyrir starfsfólk ISAVIA sem er með annað tungumál en íslensku að móðurmáli. Námskeiðið fór fram á vinnu...

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