Reading and writing in Icelandic

Reading and writing in Icelandic is a study program for adults of foreign origin that have difficulties reading and understanding Latin alphabet.


Emphasis is placed on basic skills in Icelandic and on increasing students ability to read and write in Icelandic and gain confidence in the pronunciation of Icelandic sounds and words. Student will learn a simple vocabulary that is useful in everyday life and train themselves in simple sentence construction. They will practice speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing simple texts and sentences. Numbers symbols and punctuation are also trained in the study in combination with sound and spelling.

A variety of teaching methods are used in the study and there is a great emphasis on using computers, smart devices and study programs in the course.


Some homework is during the course, varying according to study components and individuals. At the end of the course the students progress will be assessed.

Teaching Arrangements

The course will be taught  four days a week, from Tuesdays - Fridays from 13:30-15:30.

Teaching is based on a certified curriculum from Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins (The Education and Training Service Centre).


Further information – Kristín and Sveindís, / 

Tel. 4217500 


Verð: 35.000
Tímabil: 17. september - 22. nóvember

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Reading and writing in Icelandic